01420 487000


We planted our time capsule!

The children have been learning all about trees and the need to look after them for the sake of our planet so we decided to plant a flowering cherry with a difference!

We have planted a time capsule underneath containing lots of information about the nursery, including what we learn during a regular day and various other artefacts , all to be discovered in about 50 years.

Hopefully some of the children will still live nearby and remember how we dug the hole and planted the capsule and tree!

Some of the items we put into the capsule included a covid mask, Downing St letter, weather chart, a letter to the children of the future, a letter to the monarch, a prospectus, and coins from today.

It would be amazing to see how things are in 50 years. Everything will have changed for us all and nursery education.

The children had a great time planting before leaving for ‘big school.’