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Spooky fun!

Hope you have all been having some spooky fun this week. There were some amazing costumes in the nursery that were very scary! We enjoyed dressing up and making our pumpkins using Rice Krispies and also exploring our pumpkin that we carved out

This week we are also having fun helping the children learn about Guy Fawkes night – “Remember, Remember the 5th of November!” The children will be exploring Guy Fawkes night through a variety of craft activities, including make their own firework pictures and sharing their own experiences of firework night.

Next week on 11th November is Remembrance Day – an important day on which we remember those who have served and died in service of their country – the children will explore Remembrance Day through crafting their own poppies and wreaths.

The children will explore Diwali – the festival of light – through a variety of craft activities including lots of bright colours and playdough. We will also be creating our own “Diyas” to spread our light.

The children enjoy singing throughout the year and they all have their own favourites! We will be exploring different ways to experiment with the rhymes, for example by creating a tuff tray and looking at how we rhyme words in day-to-day life.

We will be talking all about how road signs and crossings keep us safe, the children will be participating in a variety of activities to aid their understanding on road safety.