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Make your home greener and save money!

Do you still use a regular flow showerhead and standard light bulbs?

Making a day out of improving your home’s sustainability through simple upgrades — such as changing your light bulbs to compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs) and Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) and implementing low-flow showerheads — can be a great family activity! Other ideas include:

  • Find joy in the many uses for old jars – old jars make great storage for anything in the kitchen. After a thorough clean and soak, remove the stubborn sticky label residue with vegetable oil and a scouring sponge.
  • Reuse food scraps – Re-grow veg by planting lettuce hearts, sweet potatoes and ginger. Many things can be sprouted and then potted, like the avocado stone
  • Repurpose old t-shirts – stained and warped t-shirts don’t have to be thrown away – they can live out their days as cotton rag dusters and cleaning cloths. Unwanted but still wearable piece of clothing can be customised with a pocket patch, tie-dying with food colouring – or some cool hand embroidery.