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Happy festive season!

Happy festive season everyone!

Some of the fun things we will be doing this month include opening our advent calendars and seeing whats inside and wearing our Christmas jumpers! We have already put up our tree and are creating lots of wintery decorations for the room. The children have had so much fun practicing the nativity and are even singing the songs during their play.

For the Jewish holiday this month the children will be exploring Hanukkah through a array of activities including making their own playdough/clay candles. There will be lots of crafts with bright colours to symbolise the candles burning.

Later in December we will be celebrating National Robin Day by making our own robins through a variety of materials and discussing the birds and their habitats. The children will make some bird feeders to ensure our feathered friends won’t go hungry this winter.

We hope your December is filled with family, food and fun.