Happy new year to you all! Welcome to our new families. The children who have already begun settling in January are doing so well.
The children will be enjoying the classic stories of Winnie the pooh alongside craft activities and getting sticky making honey sandwiches for tea.
We will be exploring Burns night by listening to traditional Scottish music, making Scottish flags, and dancing to some bagpipes. There will be doing lots of birdwatching in the garden, making bird feeders and reading stories about our garden companions. We have lots of birdboxes around the nursery so hopefully we see some chicks this year!
We have our books at the ready, there will be lots of reading, singing and storytelling. The children will be exploring their favourite fictional characters through craft, music and even dressing up.
There’s also a celebration coming soon! On the 26th January 2024 we have officially been open for 20 wonderful years!